// Fig. 11.9: PayrollSystemTest.cs
// Employee hierarchy test application.
using System;
public class PayrollSystemTest
public static void Main( string[] args )
// create derived class objects
SalariedEmployee salariedEmployee =
new SalariedEmployee("John", "Smith", "111-11-1111", "03/10/2002", 800.00M);
HourlyEmployee hourlyEmployee =
new HourlyEmployee( "Karen", "Price",
"222-22-2222","05/10/2000", 16.75M, 40.0M );
CommissionEmployee commissionEmployee =
new CommissionEmployee( "Sue", "Jones",
"333-33-3333", "11/10/2005", 10000.00M, .06M);
BasePlusCommissionEmployee basePlusCommissionEmployee =
new BasePlusCommissionEmployee( "Bob", "Lewis",
"444-44-4444", "05/01/2009",5000.00M, .04M, 300.00M );
SalariedEmployee salariedEmployee2 =
new SalariedEmployee("Ken", "Smith", "555-55-5555", "03/10/2002", 400.00M);
HourlyEmployee hourlyEmployee2 =
new HourlyEmployee("Karen", "Jones",
"666-66-6666", "05/10/2000", 12.75M, 40.0M);
CommissionEmployee commissionEmployee2 =
new CommissionEmployee("Robert", "Jones",
"777-77-7777", "11/10/2005", 10000.00M, .06M);
BasePlusCommissionEmployee basePlusCommissionEmployee2 =
new BasePlusCommissionEmployee("Jessi", "Lewis",
"888-88-8888", "11/01/2009", 1000.00M, .02M, 100.00M);
Console.WriteLine( "Employees processed individually:\n" );
Console.WriteLine( "{0}\n{1}: {2:C}\n",
salariedEmployee, "earned", salariedEmployee.Earnings() );
Console.WriteLine( "{0}\n{1}: {2:C}\n",
hourlyEmployee, "earned", hourlyEmployee.Earnings() );
Console.WriteLine( "{0}\n{1}: {2:C}\n",
commissionEmployee, "earned", commissionEmployee.Earnings() );
Console.WriteLine( "{0}\n{1}: {2:C}\n",
"earned", basePlusCommissionEmployee.Earnings() );
// create four-element Employee array
Employee[] employees = new Employee[ 8 ];
// initialize array with Employees of derived types
employees[ 0 ] = salariedEmployee;
employees[ 2 ] = hourlyEmployee;
employees[ 4 ] = commissionEmployee;
employees[ 6 ] = basePlusCommissionEmployee;
employees[1] = salariedEmployee2;
employees[3] = hourlyEmployee2;
employees[5] = commissionEmployee2;
employees[7] = basePlusCommissionEmployee2;
Console.WriteLine( "Employees processed polymorphically:\n" );
// generically process each element in array employees
foreach ( Employee currentEmployee in employees )
Console.WriteLine( currentEmployee ); // invokes ToString
// determine whether element is a BasePlusCommissionEmployee
if ( currentEmployee is BasePlusCommissionEmployee )
// downcast Employee reference to
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee reference
BasePlusCommissionEmployee employee =
( BasePlusCommissionEmployee ) currentEmployee;
employee.BaseSalary *= 1.10M;
"new base salary with 10% increase is: {0:C}",
employee.BaseSalary );
} // end if
"earned {0:C}\n", currentEmployee.Earnings() );
} // end foreach
// get type name of each object in employees array
for ( int j = 0; j < employees.Length; j++ )
Console.WriteLine( "Employee {0} is a {1}", j,
employees[ j ].GetType() );
} // end Main
} // end class PayrollSystemTest
// Fig. 11.8: BasePlusCommissionEmployee.cs
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee class that extends CommissionEmployee.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee : CommissionEmployee
private decimal baseSalary; // base salary per week
// six-parameter constructor
public BasePlusCommissionEmployee( string first, string last,
string ssn, string hired, decimal sales, decimal rate, decimal salary )
: base( first, last, ssn, hired,sales, rate )
BaseSalary = salary; // validate base salary via property
} // end six-parameter BasePlusCommissionEmployee constructor
// property that gets and sets
// base-salaried commission employee's base salary
public decimal BaseSalary
return baseSalary;
} // end get
baseSalary = ( value >= 0 ) ? value : 0; // validation
} // end set
} // end property BaseSalary
// calculate earnings; override method Earnings in CommissionEmployee
public override decimal Earnings()
return BaseSalary + base.Earnings();
} // end method Earnings
// return string representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee object
public override string ToString()
return string.Format( "{0} {1}; {2}: {3:C}",
"base-salaried", base.ToString(), "base salary", BaseSalary );
} // end method ToString
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee
// Fig. 11.7: CommissionEmployee.cs
// CommissionEmployee class that extends Employee.
public class CommissionEmployee : Employee
private decimal grossSales; // gross weekly sales
private decimal commissionRate; // commission percentage
// five-parameter constructor
public CommissionEmployee( string first, string last, string ssn, string hired,
decimal sales, decimal rate ) : base( first, last, ssn, hired )
GrossSales = sales; // validate gross sales via property
CommissionRate = rate; // validate commission rate via property
} // end five-parameter CommissionEmployee constructor
// property that gets and sets commission employee's commission rate
public decimal CommissionRate
return commissionRate;
} // end get
commissionRate = ( value > 0 && value < 1 ) ?
value : 0; // validation
} // end set
} // end property CommissionRate
// property that gets and sets commission employee's gross sales
public decimal GrossSales
return grossSales;
} // end get
grossSales = ( value >= 0 ) ? value : 0; // validation
} // end set
} // end property GrossSales
// calculate earnings; override abstract method Earnings in Employee
public override decimal Earnings()
return CommissionRate * GrossSales;
} // end method Earnings
// return string representation of CommissionEmployee object
public override string ToString()
return string.Format( "{0}: {1}\n{2}: {3:C}\n{4}: {5:F2}",
"commission employee", base.ToString(),
"gross sales", GrossSales, "commission rate", CommissionRate );
} // end method ToString
} // end class CommissionEmployee
// Fig. 11.4: Employee.cs
// Employee abstract base class.
public abstract class Employee
private string firstName;
private string lastName;
private string socialSecurityNumber;
private string dateofHired;
// three-parameter constructor
public Employee( string first, string last, string ssn,string hired )
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
socialSecurityNumber = ssn;
dateofHired = hired;
} // end three-parameter Employee constructor
// read-only property that gets employee's first name
public string FirstName
return firstName;
} // end get
} // end property FirstName
// read-only property that gets employee's last name
public string LastName
return lastName;
} // end get
} // end property LastName
// read-only property that gets employee's social security number
public string SocialSecurityNumber
return socialSecurityNumber;
} // end get
} // end property SocialSecurityNumber
public string DateofHired
return dateofHired;
} // end get
} // end property SocialSecurityNumber
// return string representation of Employee object, using properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Format( "{0} {1}\nsocial security number: {2}\nDate of Hired: {3}",
FirstName, LastName, SocialSecurityNumber,DateofHired);
} // end method ToString
// abstract method overridden by derived classes
public abstract decimal Earnings(); // no implementation here
} // end abstract class Employee
// Fig. 11.5: SalariedEmployee.cs
// SalariedEmployee class that extends Employee.
public class SalariedEmployee : Employee
private decimal weeklySalary;
// four-parameter constructor
public SalariedEmployee( string first, string last, string ssn, string hired,
decimal salary ) : base( first, last, ssn, hired )
WeeklySalary = salary; // validate salary via property
} // end four-parameter SalariedEmployee constructor
// property that gets and sets salaried employee's salary
public decimal WeeklySalary
return weeklySalary;
} // end get
weeklySalary = ( ( value >= 0 ) ? value : 0 ); // validation
} // end set
} // end property WeeklySalary
// calculate earnings; override abstract method Earnings in Employee
public override decimal Earnings()
return WeeklySalary;
} // end method Earnings
// return string representation of SalariedEmployee object
public override string ToString()
return string.Format( "salaried employee: {0}\n{1}: {2:C}",
base.ToString(), "weekly salary", WeeklySalary );
} // end method ToString
} // end class SalariedEmployee
// Fig. 11.5: SalariedEmployee.cs
// SalariedEmployee class that extends Employee.
public class SalariedEmployee : Employee
private decimal weeklySalary;
// four-parameter constructor
public SalariedEmployee( string first, string last, string ssn, string hired,
decimal salary ) : base( first, last, ssn, hired )
WeeklySalary = salary; // validate salary via property
} // end four-parameter SalariedEmployee constructor
// property that gets and sets salaried employee's salary
public decimal WeeklySalary
return weeklySalary;
} // end get
weeklySalary = ( ( value >= 0 ) ? value : 0 ); // validation
} // end set
} // end property WeeklySalary
// calculate earnings; override abstract method Earnings in Employee
public override decimal Earnings()
return WeeklySalary;
} // end method Earnings
// return string representation of SalariedEmployee object
public override string ToString()
return string.Format( "salaried employee: {0}\n{1}: {2:C}",
base.ToString(), "weekly salary", WeeklySalary );
} // end method ToString
} // end class SalariedEmployee
Lab 17 Be sure to put each class in its own file. Add a dateHired property to the base class. Add one additional employee of each type to the vector. Give them each unique names and other properties.
Monday, May 18, 2009
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