Wednesday, May 13, 2009

lab 12 study

Lab 12 Be sure to put each class in its own file. Replace the constant values in the grade array with random numbers (integers) from 0 to 100. Accept the number of students and number of tests from the user. Put the whole thing in a loop. Quit when a negative number of students is entered.

// Fig. 8.21: GradeBookTest.cs
// Create GradeBook object using a rectangular array of grades.
using System;
public class GradeBookTest
// Main method begins application execution
public static void Main( string[] args )
// rectangular array of student grades
int[,] gradesArray;
int studentnumber;
int size=0;
Random randomNumbers = new Random();

Console.WriteLine("How many students are there");
studentnumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if ((studentnumber >0))
Console.WriteLine("How many tests?");
size = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if ((studentnumber>0) && (size>0))
gradesArray = new int[studentnumber, size];
for (int x = 0; x < studentnumber; x++)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
gradesArray[x, i] = randomNumbers.Next(0, 100);
GradeBook myGradeBook = new GradeBook(
"CS101 Introduction to C# Programming", gradesArray);

} while (studentnumber > 0);

} // end Main
} // end class GradeBookTest

// Fig. 8.20: GradeBook.cs
// Grade book using rectangular array to store grades.
using System;

public class GradeBook
private string courseName; // name of course this grade book represents
private int[ , ] grades; // rectangular array of student grades

// two-parameter constructor initializes courseName and grades array
public GradeBook( string name, int[ , ] gradesArray )
CourseName = name; // initialize courseName
grades = gradesArray; // initialize grades array
} // end two-parameter GradeBook constructor

// property that gets and sets the course name
public string CourseName
return courseName;
} // end get
courseName = value;
} // end set
} // end property CourseName

// display a welcome message to the GradeBook user
public void DisplayMessage()

Console.WriteLine( "Welcome to the grade book for\n{0}!\n",
CourseName );
} // end method DisplayMessage

// perform various operations on the data
public void ProcessGrades()
// output grades array

// call methods GetMinimum and GetMaximum
Console.WriteLine( "\n{0} {1}\n{2} {3}\n",
"Lowest grade in the grade book is", GetMinimum(),
"Highest grade in the grade book is", GetMaximum() );

// output grade distribution chart of all grades on all tests
} // end method ProcessGrades

// find minimum grade
public int GetMinimum()
// assume first element of grades array is smallest
int lowGrade = grades[ 0, 0 ];

// loop through elements of rectangular grades array
foreach ( int grade in grades )
// if grade less than lowGrade, assign it to lowGrade
if ( grade < lowGrade )
lowGrade = grade;
} // end foreach

return lowGrade; // return lowest grade
} // end method GetMinimum

// find maximum grade
public int GetMaximum()
// assume first element of grades array is largest
int highGrade = grades[ 0, 0 ];

// loop through elements of rectangular grades array
foreach ( int grade in grades )
// if grade greater than highGrade, assign it to highGrade
if ( grade > highGrade )
highGrade = grade;
} // end foreach

return highGrade; // return highest grade
} // end method GetMaximum

// determine average grade for particular student
public double GetAverage( int student )
// get the number of grades per student
int amount = grades.GetLength( 1 );
int total = 0; // initialize total

// sum grades for one student
for ( int exam = 0; exam < amount; exam++ )
total += grades[ student, exam ];

// return average of grades
return ( double ) total / amount;
} // end method GetAverage

// output bar chart displaying overall grade distribution
public void OutputBarChart()
Console.WriteLine( "Overall grade distribution:" );

// stores frequency of grades in each range of 10 grades
int[] frequency = new int[ 11 ];

// for each grade in GradeBook, increment the appropriate frequency
foreach ( int grade in grades )
++frequency[ grade / 10 ];
} // end foreach

// for each grade frequency, print bar in chart
for ( int count = 0; count < frequency.Length; count++ )
// output bar label ( "00-09: ", ..., "90-99: ", "100: " )
if ( count == 10 )
Console.Write( " 100: " );
Console.Write( "{0:D2}-{1:D2}: ",
count * 10, count * 10 + 9 );

// print bar of asterisks
for ( int stars = 0; stars < frequency[ count ]; stars++ )
Console.Write( "*" );

Console.WriteLine(); // start a new line of output
} // end outer for
} // end method OutputBarChart

// output the contents of the grades array
public void OutputGrades()
Console.WriteLine( "The grades are:\n" );
Console.Write( " " ); // align column heads

// create a column heading for each of the tests
for ( int test = 0; test < grades.GetLength( 1 ); test++ )
Console.Write( "Test {0} ", test + 1 );

Console.WriteLine( "Average" ); // student average column heading

// create rows/columns of text representing array grades
for ( int student = 0; student < grades.GetLength( 0 ); student++ )
Console.Write( "Student {0,2}", student + 1 );

// output student's grades
for ( int grade = 0; grade < grades.GetLength( 1 ); grade++ )
Console.Write( "{0,8}", grades[ student, grade ] );

// call method GetAverage to calculate student's average grade;
// pass row number as the argument to GetAverage
Console.WriteLine( "{0,9:F2}",GetAverage( student ) );
} // end outer for
} // end method OutputGrades
} // end class GradeBook

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